SU-35培训 普京培训评语 伴游人员培训 新加坡移民方法 电脑培训 英语培训资源
The Birth of the Buddha
The life of the Buddha presented in
the subsequent ten acts is neither history nor a myth. It is a pious report of
the founder of Buddhism as the Buddhist tradition tells it. The whole story of
the Buddha takes on a mythic and legendary character. A wealth of detail is to
modern sensibilities of a decidedly "miraculous" and "supernatural" nature so
that readers who want to see it from a historian's perspective might be puzzled
over its authenticity. Of course, modern scholars have attempted to find out who
was the historical Buddha and have agreed upon a few bare facts of the life of a
man who, some 2,500 years ago, left home to become a wandering ascetic and
attained perfect enlightenment. But then they have faced another problem of
missing the story's own sense of truth, which has made a great impact on the
mentality of Buddhist followers throughout Asia. In other words, that legendary
account of the Buddha in turn constituted another reality on which Buddhist
thoughts and practices have prevailed. Thus, the upcoming account of the life of
the Buddha is no more than a pious story faithful to the earliest literary and
iconographic sources available. Now, let us the story speak for itself.
Traditionally, the Buddha's life story centers on events from his conception to
his Awakening and his first teaching. In this particular account of the life of
the Buddha, however, we'll add to the narrative a few more post-enlightenment
episodes which are fascinating in their own right.
相关阅读:宋朝的佛教 Heart Sutra
The Birth of the Buddha 2. The Birth of the
Buddha The Birth of the Buddha 3. The Four
Encounters The Birth of the Buddha 4. The
Great Departure The Birth of the Buddha 5.
Austerities The Birth of the Buddha 6.
Enlightenment The Birth of the Buddha 7.
The Uruvela Conversion The Birth of the
Buddha 8. Return to Kapilavastu The Birth
of the Buddha 9. Subjugation of the Mad Elephant
The Birth of the Buddha 10. The Great Passing
The Birth of the Buddha 1. The Conception of
the Buddha 孔子是不是私生子