第九章 所有权取得的特别规定
Chapter IX
Special Provisions on the Acquisition of Ownership
第三百一十一条 无处分权人将不动产或者动产转让给受让人的,所有权人有权追回;除法律另有规定外,符合下列情形的,受让人取得该不动产或者动产的所有权:
Article 311
Where a person with no right to dispose of immovable or movable property
transfers it to another person, the owner has the right to recover it; unless
otherwise provided by law, the transferee acquires the ownership of the
immovable or movable property under the following circumstances:
(1) the transferee is in good faith at the time when the immovable or movable
property is transferred to him;
(2) the transfer is made at a reasonable price; and
(3) the transferred immovable or movable property has been registered as
required by law, or has been delivered to the transferee where registration is
not required.
Where a transferee acquires the ownership of the immovable or movable property
in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the original owner
has the right to claim damages against the person who disposes of the property
without a right.
Where a party acquires, in good faith, a real right other than ownership, the
provisions of the preceding two paragraphs shall be applied mutatis mutandis.