交换连接 Link Exchange Category 沉鱼落雁 闭月羞花
Exchange Links - Home Page only
Let's make it very simple.
If you find my site interesting and would like to study the possibility of exchange links with me,
Step 1
Please give me the key parameters needed for link exchange, such as pr, alexa(ip),etc..
Step 2
I will compare the data and see if we can have a home page link exchange.
Step 3
If I said yes, what you need to do is just to add two Chinese characters or words if you prefer in your home page and link to mine. The two Chinese words are "培训". The English word "Training" is acceptable if your system does not recognize or if you prefer not to use a foreign language in your page.
Please tell me the Title or Key Word or Anchor word so that I can put a reciprocal link to your site in mine.
That is all.
I plan to keep the number of my external links around 10 times my pr value. 20 times is the maximum I can accept if you are pr 4. Yet 100 is the number of external links I will not tolerate. So please keep that in mind if you want to exchange links with me. That is to say, if you have already 99 external links in your home page, even if you have a pr of 11, please do not contact me for link exchange.
If you would like to exchange links with me, please feel free to contact me.
Mr. Herbert ZHANG Lawyer mobile +86 1391O293O18
Email address: 965OO262O@qq.com (replace O with 0 if you copy and paste)
WeChat: Laws666Lawyers