第二十九条 被监护人的父母担任监护人的,可以通过遗嘱指定监护人。
Article 29
A parent who is the guardian of his child may, in his will, designate a
succeeding guardian for his child.
第三十条 依法具有监护资格的人之间可以协议确定监护人。协议确定监护人应当尊重被监护人的真实意愿。
Article 30
A guardian may be determined through agreement among the persons who are legally
qualified to be guardians. The true will of the ward shall be respected in
determining the guardian through agreement.
第三十一条 对监护人的确定有争议的,由被监护人住所地的居民委员会、村民委员会或者民政部门指定监护人,有关当事人对指定不服的,可以向人民法院申请指定监护人;有关当事人也可以直接向人民法院申请指定监护人。
Article 31
Where a dispute arises over the determination of a guardian, the guardian shall
be appointed by the residents’ committee, the villagers’ committee, or the civil
affairs department in the place where the ward’s domicile is located, and a
party not satisfied with such an appointment may request the people’s court to
appoint a guardian; the relevant parties may also directly request the people’s
court to make such an appointment.
When appointing a guardian, the residents’ committee, the villagers’ committee,
the civil affairs department, or the people’s court shall respect the true will
of the ward and appoint a guardian in the best interest of the ward from among
the legally qualified persons.
Where the personal, proprietary, and other lawful rights and interests of a ward
are not under any protection before a guardian is appointed in accordance with
the first paragraph of this Article, the residents’ committee, the villagers’
committee, a relevant organization designated by law, or the civil affairs
department in the place where the ward’s domicile is located shall act as a
temporary guardian.
Once appointed, a guardian may not be replaced without authorization; where a
guardian has been replaced without authorization, the responsibility of the
originally appointed guardian is not discharged.
第三十二条 没有依法具有监护资格的人的,监护人由民政部门担任,也可以由具备履行监护职责条件的被监护人住所地的居民委员会、村民委员会担任。
Article 32
Where there is no person legally qualified to be a guardian, the civil affairs
department shall act as the guardian, and the residents’ committee or villagers’
committee in the place where the ward’s domicile is located may also act as the
guardian if they are competent in performing the duties of guardian.
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