horizontal rule


中华人民共和国民法典上一条 中华人民共和国民法典目录

  第七十五条 设立人为设立法人从事的民事活动,其法律后果由法人承受;法人未成立的,其法律后果由设立人承受,设立人为二人以上的,享有连带债权,承担连带债务。
Article 75
The legal consequences of the civil activities conducted by an incorporator for the purpose of establishing a legal person shall be assumed by the legal person; or, in the event that no legal person is successfully established, by the incorporator, or the incorporators jointly and severally if there are two or more of them.
Where an incorporator engages in civil activities in his own name for the purpose of establishing a legal person and thus incurs civil liability, a third person creditor may elect to request either the legal person or the incorporator to bear the liability.
  第二节 营利法人
Section 2
For-profit Legal Persons
  第七十六条 以取得利润并分配给股东等出资人为目的成立的法人,为营利法人。
Article 76
A for-profit legal person is a legal person established for the purpose of making profits and distributing the profits among its shareholders and other capital contributors.
For-profit legal persons include limited liability companies, joint stock companies limited by shares, and other enterprises that have the legal person status.
  第七十七条 营利法人经依法登记成立。
Article 77
A for-profit legal person is established upon registration in accordance with law.
  第七十八条 依法设立的营利法人,由登记机关发给营利法人营业执照。营业执照签发日期为营利法人的成立日期。
Article 78
The registration authority shall issue a business license to a legally established for-profit legal person. The date of issuance of the business license is the date of establishment of the for-profit legal person.


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