第九十一条 设立社会团体法人应当依法制定法人章程。
Article 91
To establish a social-organization legal person, there shall be articles of
association formulated in accordance with law.
A social-organization legal person shall establish a governing body such as a
members’ assembly or a meeting of the members’ representatives.
A social-organization legal person shall establish an executive body such as a
council. The chairman of the council, the president, or an individual with
similar responsibilities shall, in accordance with the articles of association,
act as the legal representative of the legal person.
第九十二条 具备法人条件,为公益目的以捐助财产设立的基金会、社会服务机构等,经依法登记成立,取得捐助法人资格。
Article 92
A foundation, social service institution, or any other institution established
with donated property for the purpose of public welfare attains the status of a
donation-funded legal person if it meets the requirements for being a legal
person and is legally registered as such.
A site legally established to hold religious activities may be registered as a
legal person and attains the status of a donation-funded legal person if it
meets the requirements for being a legal person. Where there are laws or
administrative regulations providing for the religious sites, such provisions
shall be followed.
第九十三条 设立捐助法人应当依法制定法人章程。
Article 93
To establish a donation-funded legal person, there shall be articles of
association formulated in accordance with law.
A donation-funded legal person shall establish a decision-making
body such as a council or any other form of democratic management body, and an
executive body. The chairman of the council or an individual with similar
responsibilities shall, in accordance with the articles of association, act as
the legal representative of the legal person.
A donation-funded legal person shall establish a supervisory body such as a
board of supervisors.
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