第一百一十三条 民事主体的财产权利受法律平等保护。
Article 113
The proprietary rights of the persons of the civil law are equally protected by
第一百一十四条 民事主体依法享有物权。
Article 114
Persons of the civil law enjoy real rights in accordance with law.
Real rights are the rights to directly and exclusively control a specific thing
by the right holder in accordance with law, which consists of the ownership,
right to usufruct, and security interests in the property.
第一百一十五条 物包括不动产和动产。法律规定权利作为物权客体的,依照其规定。
Article 115
Property consists of immovable and movable property. Where the law provides that
a right shall be treated as property over which a real right lies, such
provisions shall be followed.
第一百一十六条 物权的种类和内容,由法律规定。
Article 116
The categories and contents of the real rights are provided by law.
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