第一百四十二条 有相对人的意思表示的解释,应当按照所使用的词句,结合相关条款、行为的性质和目的、习惯以及诚信原则,确定意思表示的含义。
Article 142
Where an expression of intent is made to a specific person, the meaning of the
expression shall be interpreted according to the words and sentences used, with
reference to the relevant terms, the nature and purpose of the civil juristic
act, the custom, and the principle of good faith.
Where an expression of intent is not made to any specific person, the true
intent of the person performing a civil juristic act may not be interpreted
solely on the words and sentences used, but along with the relevant terms, the
nature and purpose of the civil juristic act, custom, and the principle of good
第三节 民事法律行为的效力
Section 3
Effect of a Civil Juristic Act
第一百四十三条 具备下列条件的民事法律行为有效:
Article 143
A civil juristic act is valid if the following conditions are satisfied:
(1) the person performing the act has the required capacity for performing civil
juristic acts;
(2) the intent expressed by the person is true; and
(3) the act does not violate any mandatory provisions of laws or administrative
regulations, nor offend public order or good morals.
第一百四十四条 无民事行为能力人实施的民事法律行为无效。
Article 144
A civil juristic act performed by a person who has no capacity for performing
civil juristic acts is void.
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