第二百二十八条 动产物权转让时,当事人又约定由出让人继续占有该动产的,物权自该约定生效时发生效力。
Article 228
Where, upon transfer of a real right in movable property, the parties agree that
the transferor continues to be in possession of the movable property, the real
right in the movable property becomes effective at the time when such an
agreement enters into effect.
第三节 其他规定
Section 3
Other Rules
第二百二十九条 因人民法院、仲裁机构的法律文书或者人民政府的征收决定等,导致物权设立、变更、转让或者消灭的,自法律文书或者征收决定等生效时发生效力。
Article 229
Where a real right is created, altered, transferred, or extinguished as a result
of a legal document issued by the people’s court or an arbitration institution,
or based on an expropriation decision made by the people’s government, the
creation, alteration, transfer, or extinguishment of the real right becomes
effective at the time when the legal document or expropriation decision enters
into effect.
第二百三十条 因继承取得物权的,自继承开始时发生效力。
Article 230
Where a real right is acquired through succession, the real right as inherited
becomes effective at the time when the succession opens.
第二百三十一条 因合法建造、拆除房屋等事实行为设立或者消灭物权的,自事实行为成就时发生效力。
Article 231
Where a real right is created or extinguished as a result of a de facto act such
as lawful construction or demolition of a house, the creation or extinguishment
of the real right becomes effective when the de facto act is accomplished.
第二百三十二条 处分依照本节规定享有的不动产物权,依照法律规定需要办理登记的,未经登记,不发生物权效力。
Article 232
Where disposition of a real right in immovable property as provided in this
Section is required by law to be registered, the disposition of the real right,
if not so registered, is not effective.
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