第三百八十一条 地役权不得单独抵押。土地经营权、建设用地使用权等抵押的,在实现抵押权时,地役权一并转让。
Article 381
An easement may not be mortgaged separately. Where a right to contractual
management of land, a right to use a lot of land for construction purposes, and
the like rights are mortgaged, the easement shall be transferred concomitantly
upon enforcement of the mortgage.
第三百八十二条 需役地以及需役地上的土地承包经营权、建设用地使用权等部分转让时,转让部分涉及地役权的,受让人同时享有地役权。
Article 382
Where a right to easement is involved when the dominant land and a right to
contractual management of land, a right to use a lot of land for construction
purposes, and the like rights thereon are partially transferred, the transferee
is simultaneously entitled to the easement.
第三百八十三条 供役地以及供役地上的土地承包经营权、建设用地使用权等部分转让时,转让部分涉及地役权的,地役权对受让人具有法律约束力。
Article 383
Where a right to easement is involved when the servient land and a right to
contractual management of land, a right to use a lot of land for construction
purposes, and the like rights thereon are partially transferred, the easement is
legally binding on the transferee.
第三百八十四条 地役权人有下列情形之一的,供役地权利人有权解除地役权合同,地役权消灭:
Article 384
Where a person entitled to an easement is under either of the following
circumstances, the person who has the right in the servient land is entitled to
rescind the easement contract to extinguish the easement:
(1) abusing the right to easement in violation of the provisions of laws or the
contract; or
(2) in case of paid use of the servient land, failing to pay the relevant fees
despite of receipt of two warning notices within a reasonable period of time
after the payment is due according to the agreement.
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