第六百七十六条 借款人未按照约定的期限返还借款的,应当按照约定或者国家有关规定支付逾期利息。
Article 676
A borrower who fails to repay the loan within the agreed time limit shall pay an
overdue interest in accordance with the agreement or the relevant regulations of
the State.
第六百七十七条 借款人提前返还借款的,除当事人另有约定外,应当按照实际借款的期间计算利息。
Article 677
Where a borrower makes a prepayment of the loan, unless otherwise agreed by the
parties, the interest shall be calculated according to the actual duration of
the loan.
第六百七十八条 借款人可以在还款期限届满前向贷款人申请展期;贷款人同意的,可以展期。
Article 678
A borrower may apply to the lender for an extension of the term of the loan
before the loan becomes due. The term of the loan may be extended upon consent
of the lender.
第六百七十九条 自然人之间的借款合同,自贷款人提供借款时成立。
Article 679
A loan contract between natural persons is formed at the time when the lender
provides the loan.
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