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中华人民共和国民法典上一条 中华人民共和国民法典目录

  第四节 多式联运合同

Section 4
Multi-modal Transport Contracts

  第八百三十八条 多式联运经营人负责履行或者组织履行多式联运合同,对全程运输享有承运人的权利,承担承运人的义务。
Article 838
An operator of multi-modal transport is responsible for performing or organizing the performance of a multi-modal transport contract, and enjoys the rights and assumes the obligations of a carrier throughout the entire transport.

  第八百三十九条 多式联运经营人可以与参加多式联运的各区段承运人就多式联运合同的各区段运输约定相互之间的责任;但是,该约定不影响多式联运经营人对全程运输承担的义务。

Article 839
An operator of multi-modal transport may agree with the carriers of the different sections of the multi-modal transport on their respective responsibilities for transport in each section under the multi-modal transport contract, except that such an agreement does not affect the obligations of the operator for the entire transport.

  第八百四十条 多式联运经营人收到托运人交付的货物时,应当签发多式联运单据。按照托运人的要求,多式联运单据可以是可转让单据,也可以是不可转让单据。
Article 840
An operator of multi-modal transport shall, upon receipt of the goods consigned for transport by the consignor, issue multi-modal transport documents. The multi-modal transport documents may be negotiable or non-negotiable, as requested by the consignor.

  第八百四十一条 因托运人托运货物时的过错造成多式联运经营人损失的,即使托运人已经转让多式联运单据,托运人仍然应当承担赔偿责任。
Article 841
Where losses are caused to an operator of multi-modal transport due to the fault of a consignor at the time of consigning the goods for transport, the consignor shall bear the liability for compensation even if the consignor has transferred the multi-modal transport documents.

  第八百四十二条 货物的毁损、灭失发生于多式联运的某一运输区段的,多式联运经营人的赔偿责任和责任限额,适用调整该区段运输方式的有关法律规定;货物毁损、灭失发生的运输区段不能确定的,依照本章规定承担赔偿责任。

Article 842
Where destruction, damage, or loss of goods occurs in one section of the multi-modal transport, the provisions of the relevant laws regulating the transport modes of the section shall apply to the liability for compensation to be assumed by the operator of multi-modal transport and the limit of the liability. Where the section of transport in which such destruction, damage, or loss has occurred cannot be determined, liability for compensation shall be borne in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter.


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