第八百七十一条 技术转让合同的受让人和技术许可合同的被许可人应当按照约定的范围和期限,对让与人、许可人提供的技术中尚未公开的秘密部分,承担保密义务。
Article 871
A transferee under a technology transfer contract or a licensee under a
technological know-how licensing contract shall, in accordance with the scope
and time limit agreed by the parties, perform the confidentiality obligation
regarding the part of the technology provided by the transferor or licensor that
have not been disclosed to the public.
第八百七十二条 许可人未按照约定许可技术的,应当返还部分或者全部使用费,并应当承担违约责任;实施专利或者使用技术秘密超越约定的范围的,违反约定擅自许可第三人实施该项专利或者使用该项技术秘密的,应当停止违约行为,承担违约责任;违反约定的保密义务的,应当承担违约责任。
Article 872
A licensor who fails to license the technology in accordance with the agreement
shall refund the royalties in part or in full and bear default liability. A
licensor who exploits a patent or technological know-how beyond the agreed
scope, or, without authorization, allows a third person to exploit the patent or
utilize the technological know-how in breach of the agreement shall stop his
breaching act and bear default liability. A licensor who breaches the agreed
confidentiality obligation shall bear default liability.
Where a transferor is liable for breach of contract, the provisions of the
preceding paragraph shall be applied mutatis mutandis.
第八百七十三条 被许可人未按照约定支付使用费的,应当补交使用费并按照约定支付违约金;不补交使用费或者支付违约金的,应当停止实施专利或者使用技术秘密,交还技术资料,承担违约责任;实施专利或者使用技术秘密超越约定的范围的,未经许可人同意擅自许可第三人实施该专利或者使用该技术秘密的,应当停止违约行为,承担违约责任;违反约定的保密义务的,应当承担违约责任。
Article 873
A licensee who fails to pay royalties in accordance with the agreement shall
make up for the payment and pay the liquidated damages according to the
agreement. A licensee who fails to make up for the payment of royalties and pay
the liquidated damages shall stop exploitation of the patent or utilization of
the technological know-how, return the technological materials, and bear default
liability. A licensee who exploits the patent or utilizes the technological
know-how beyond the agreed scope, or, without authorization of the licensor,
allows a third person to exploit the patent or to utilize the technological
know-how, shall stop the breaching act and bear default liability. The licensee
who breaches the agreed confidentiality obligation shall bear default liability.
The provisions of the preceding paragraph shall be applied mutatis mutandis to a
transferee who shall bear default liability.
第八百七十四条 受让人或者被许可人按照约定实施专利、使用技术秘密侵害他人合法权益的,由让与人或者许可人承担责任,但是当事人另有约定的除外。
Article 874
Where exploitation of a patent or utilization of a technological know-how by the
transferee or the licensee in accordance with the agreement infringes upon the
lawful rights and interests of another person, the transferor or the licensor
shall bear the liability, unless otherwise agreed by the parties.
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