第九百二十三条 受托人应当亲自处理委托事务。经委托人同意,受托人可以转委托。转委托经同意或者追认的,委托人可以就委托事务直接指示转委托的第三人,受托人仅就第三人的选任及其对第三人的指示承担责任。转委托未经同意或者追认的,受托人应当对转委托的第三人的行为承担责任;但是,在紧急情况下受托人为了维护委托人的利益需要转委托第三人的除外。
Article 923
An agent shall handle the entrusted matter in person. With the consent of the
principal, an agent may sub-entrust it to a third person. Where the
sub-entrustment is consented to or ratified by the principal, the principal may
directly instruct the sub-entrusted third person on an entrusted matter, and the
agent shall only be liable for the selection of the third person and for the
instructions given by himself to the third person. If the sub-entrustment is not
consented to or ratified by the principal, the agent shall be liable for an act
done by the sub-entrusted third person, unless the sub-entrustment is for
protecting the interests of the principal in case of emergency.
第九百二十四条 受托人应当按照委托人的要求,报告委托事务的处理情况。委托合同终止时,受托人应当报告委托事务的结果。
Article 924
An agent shall, upon request of the principal, report on the situation of the
entrusted matter. Upon termination of the entrustment contract, an agent shall
report on the result of the entrusted matter.
第九百二十五条 受托人以自己的名义,在委托人的授权范围内与第三人订立的合同,第三人在订立合同时知道受托人与委托人之间的代理关系的,该合同直接约束委托人和第三人;但是,有确切证据证明该合同只约束受托人和第三人的除外。
Article 925
Where an agent, acting within the scope of authority granted by the principal,
concludes a contract with a third person in his own name, if the third person is
aware of the agency relationship between the agent and the principal, the said
contract shall directly bind the principal and the third person, unless there is
clear evidence establishing that the said contract binds only the agent and the
third person.
第九百二十六条 受托人以自己的名义与第三人订立合同时,第三人不知道受托人与委托人之间的代理关系的,受托人因第三人的原因对委托人不履行义务,受托人应当向委托人披露第三人,委托人因此可以行使受托人对第三人的权利。但是,第三人与受托人订立合同时如果知道该委托人就不会订立合同的除外。
Article 926
Where a contract is concluded by an agent in his own name with a third person
who is not aware of the agency relationship between the agent and the principal,
if the agent fails to perform his obligations owed to the principal due to a
reason attributable to the third person, the agent shall disclose the third
person to the principal, and the principal may then exercise the right of the
agent against the third person, unless the third person would not have concluded
the contract had he been aware of the existence of the principal at the time of
concluding the contract.
Where an agent fails to perform his obligations owed to a third person due to a
reason attributable to the principal, the agent shall disclose the principal to
the third person, and the third person may then claim his rights against either
the agent or the principal as a counterparty, except that he may not change the
counterparty once he has made the selection.
Where a principal exercises the right of the agent against the third person, the
third person may claim the defenses he has against the agent against the
principal. Where the third person elects the principal as the counterparty, the
principal may claim against the third person the defenses he has against the
agent, as well as the agent’s defenses against the third person.
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