horizontal rule


中华人民共和国民法典上一条 中华人民共和国民法典目录

  第九百九十九条 为公共利益实施新闻报道、舆论监督等行为的,可以合理使用民事主体的姓名、名称、肖像、个人信息等;使用不合理侵害民事主体人格权的,应当依法承担民事责任。

Article 999
The name, entity name, likeness, personal information, and the like of a person of the civil law may be reasonably used by those engaged in news reporting, supervision of public opinions, or the like for public interests, except that civil liability shall be borne in accordance with law where the use unreasonably harms the personality rights of the person.

  第一千条 行为人因侵害人格权承担消除影响、恢复名誉、赔礼道歉等民事责任的,应当与行为的具体方式和造成的影响范围相当。

Article 1000
Where an actor shall bear civil liability such as elimination of adverse effects, rehabilitation of reputation, or extension of apologies for infringing upon other’s personality rights, the civil liability to be borne shall be commensurate with the specific way the act is done and the scope of its impact.

Where an actor refuses to bear civil liability as provided in the preceding paragraph, the people’s court may take such measures as making an announcement, publishing the final judgment, or the like, through media, such as newspapers, periodicals, or online websites, and any expenses thus incurred shall be borne by the actor.

  第一千零一条 对自然人因婚姻家庭关系等产生的身份权利的保护,适用本法第一编、第五编和其他法律的相关规定;没有规定的,可以根据其性质参照适用本编人格权保护的有关规定。

Article 1001
The relevant provisions of Book One and Book Five of this Code and the other laws shall apply to the protection of a natural person’s relation-based rights such as a right arising from a marital and familial relationship; in the absence of such provisions, the relevant provisions of this Book on the protection of personality rights shall, based on the nature of the right, be applied mutatis mutandis.


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