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中华人民共和国民法典上一条 中华人民共和国民法典目录

   第一千零三十七条 自然人可以依法向信息处理者查阅或者复制其个人信息;发现信息有错误的,有权提出异议并请求及时采取更正等必要措施。
Article 1037
A natural person may retrieve or make copies of his personal information from the information processers in accordance with law. Where the person discovers that the information is incorrect, he has the right to raise an objection and request corrections or other necessary measures to be taken in a timely manner.

Where a natural person discovers that an information processer has violated the provisions of laws or administrative regulations or breached the agreement between both parties while processing his personal information, he has the right to request the information processor to delete it in a timely manner.
  第一千零三十八条 信息处理者不得泄露或者篡改其收集、存储的个人信息;未经自然人同意,不得向他人非法提供其个人信息,但是经过加工无法识别特定个人且不能复原的除外。
Article 1038
An information processor may not disclose or tamper with the personal information he collects and stores, and may not illegally provide to others the personal information of a natural person without the latter’s consent, unless the information, after being processed, cannot be used to identify any specific individual and cannot be restored to its original status.

An information processor shall take technical measures and other necessary measures to ensure the security of the personal information he collects and stores, and prevent the information from being leaked, tampered with, or lost. Where a person’s personal information has been or is likely to be leaked, tampered with, or lost, the information processor shall take remedial measures in a timely manner, notify the natural person concerned in accordance with the regulations, and report to the relevant competent authorities.
  第一千零三十九条 国家机关、承担行政职能的法定机构及其工作人员对于履行职责过程中知悉的自然人的隐私和个人信息,应当予以保密,不得泄露或者向他人非法提供。
Article 1039
State organs and the chartered institutions assuming administrative functions as well as their staff shall keep confidential the privacy and the personal information of natural persons known to them during the performance of their responsibilities, and may not disclose or illegally provide it to others.


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