第一千零四十三条 家庭应当树立优良家风,弘扬家庭美德,重视家庭文明建设。
Article 1043
Families shall establish good family values, promote family virtues, and enhance
family civility.
Husband and wife shall be loyal to each other, respect each other, and care for
each other. Family members shall respect the elderly, take care of the young,
help each other, and maintain a marital and familial relationship of equality,
harmony, and civility.
第一千零四十四条 收养应当遵循最有利于被收养人的原则,保障被收养人和收养人的合法权益。
Article 1044
Adoption shall be in compliance with the principle of acting in the best
interest of the adoptee, and the lawful rights and interests of both the adoptee
and the adopter shall be protected.
Trafficking minors in the name of adoption is prohibited.
第一千零四十五条 亲属包括配偶、血亲和姻亲。
Article 1045
Relatives include spouses, relatives by blood, and relatives by marriage.
Spouses, parents, children, siblings, paternal and maternal grandparents, and
paternal and maternal grandchildren are close relatives.
Spouses, parents, children, and other close relatives living together are family members.
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