horizontal rule


中华人民共和国民法典上一条 中华人民共和国民法典目录

  第一千二百一十七条 非营运机动车发生交通事故造成无偿搭乘人损害,属于该机动车一方责任的,应当减轻其赔偿责任,但是机动车使用人有故意或者重大过失的除外。

Article 1217
Where a motor vehicle not engaged in operation of business causes damage in a traffic accident to a guest passenger who is on the ride for free, if the liability is attributed to the motor vehicle driver, the liability of the user of the motor vehicle for compensation shall be mitigated unless he acts intentionally or with gross negligence.

  第六章 医疗损害责任

Chapter VI
Liability for Medical Malpractice

  第一千二百一十八条 患者在诊疗活动中受到损害,医疗机构或者其医务人员有过错的,由医疗机构承担赔偿责任。

Article 1218
Where a patient suffers damage during diagnosis and treatment, and the medical institution or its medical staff is at fault, the medical institution shall assume the liability for compensation.

  第一千二百一十九条 医务人员在诊疗活动中应当向患者说明病情和医疗措施。需要实施手术、特殊检查、特殊治疗的,医务人员应当及时向患者具体说明医疗风险、替代医疗方案等情况,并取得其明确同意;不能或者不宜向患者说明的,应当向患者的近亲属说明,并取得其明确同意。

Article 1219
The medical staff shall explain the medical conditions and treatment measures to the patient when diagnosing and treating him. Where a surgery, a special examination, or a special treatment is needed, the medical staff shall explain to the patient the medical risks, alternative treatment plans, and other information in a timely manner and obtain his express consent. Where it is impossible or inappropriate to do so, the medical staff shall explain it to the patient’s close relatives and get their express consent.


Where the medical staff fail to fulfill the obligations as provided in the preceding paragraph and thus cause damage to the patient, the medical institution shall assume the liability for compensation.

  第一千二百二十条 因抢救生命垂危的患者等紧急情况,不能取得患者或者其近亲属意见的,经医疗机构负责人或者授权的负责人批准,可以立即实施相应的医疗措施。

Article 1220
In the case of rescuing a terminally ill patient or in another emergency situation, where consent of the patient or his close relatives cannot be obtained, upon the approval of the person in charge of the medical institution or an authorized person in charge, the corresponding medical measures may be taken forthwith.

  第一千二百二十一条 医务人员在诊疗活动中未尽到与当时的医疗水平相应的诊疗义务,造成患者损害的,医疗机构应当承担赔偿责任。

Article 1221
Where the medical staff fail to fulfill the duty of diagnosing and treating the patient up to the then current appropriate medical level, and thus causes damage to the patient, the medical institution shall assume the liability for compensation.


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