horizontal rule



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 LDBJ - Let's Do Business Joyfully

I was working for government companies in the 1980's and early 90's. I was mainly doing import and export business.

Life is to be enjoyed. That is why I was saying - Let's Do Business Joyfully.

In 2003, I left Cadbury and started a consulting company.

In 2007, I joined Carrefour as Regional Human Resources Manager. As per request of Carrefour, that company stopped.

Now I am a freelancer trainer and human resources management consultant.

If you have any needs in training and human resources management consulting, please feel free to contact me.

Mr. Herbert ZHANG Lawyer mobile +86 1391O293O18

Email address: 965OO262O@qq.com (replace O with 0 if you copy and paste)

WeChat: Laws666Lawyers

张智勇中文介绍 Introduction of Herbert Zhang in English Profil de Herbert ZHANG en français






场地推广 虚位以待 常年法律顾问:何止是企业的保健医生