horizontal rule


培训网-论语-八佾18 论语中英法文对照版 论语



Duke Ting asked, 'How should the ruler employ the services of his subjects? And how should a subject serve his ruler?'
Confucius answered, 'The ruler should employ the services of his subjects in accordance with the rites. A subject should serve his ruler by doing his best.'

Lau [3:19]

Ting1, prince de Lou, demanda comment un prince devait conduire ses sujets, et comment les sujets devaient obéir à leur prince. Confucius répondit : « Le prince doit commander à ses sujets selon les prescriptions, et les sujets doivent lui obéir avec fidélité. »

1. Ting (509-495 av.J.-C.) (MBC).

Couvreur III.19.

