第四节 个体工商户和农村承包经营户
Section 4
Individual-run Industrial and Commercial Households and Rural-land Contractual
Management Households
第五十四条 自然人从事工商业经营,经依法登记,为个体工商户。个体工商户可以起字号。
Article 54
A natural person who operates an industrial or commercial business may register
it, in accordance with law, as an individual-run industrial and commercial
household. An industrial and commercial household may have a trade name.
第五十五条 农村集体经济组织的成员,依法取得农村土地承包经营权,从事家庭承包经营的,为农村承包经营户。
Article 55
Members of a rural economic collective who, in accordance with law, have been
granted an original contract to operate a lot of rural land and engage in the
operation of the land on a household basis form a rural-land contractual
management household.
第五十六条 个体工商户的债务,个人经营的,以个人财产承担;家庭经营的,以家庭财产承担;无法区分的,以家庭财产承担。
Article 56
The debts of an individual-run industrial and commercial household shall be paid
from the assets of the individual who operates the business in his own name or
from the individual’s family assets if the business is operated in the name of
the household, or, if it is impossible to determine whether the business is
operated in the name of the individual or in the name of the individual’s
household, from the individual’s family assets.
The debts of a rural-land contractual management household shall be paid from
the assets of the household that is engaged in the operation on the contracted
rural land, or from the portion of the assets of the family members who actually
engage in such operation.
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