第一百七十四条 被代理人死亡后,有下列情形之一的,委托代理人实施的代理行为有效:
Article 174
An act performed by an agent under agreement after the principal deceases
remains valid under any of the following circumstances:
(1) the agent does not know or should not have known of the death of the
(2) the act is ratified by the heirs of the principal;
(3) it is clearly stated in the letter of authorization that the agency is
terminated only upon completion of the authorized tasks; or
(4) the agent has started the act before the principal deceases and continues to
act in the interests of the heirs of the principal.
The preceding paragraph shall be applied mutatis mutandis where the principal
who is a legal person or an unincorporated organization is terminated.
第一百七十五条 有下列情形之一的,法定代理终止:
Article 175
An agency by operation of law is terminated under any of the following
(1) the principal obtains or regains full capacity for performing civil juristic
(2) the agent loses the capacity for performing civil juristic acts;
(3) the agent or the principal deceases; or
(4) there exists any other circumstance as provided by law.
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