第二百一十一条 当事人申请登记,应当根据不同登记事项提供权属证明和不动产界址、面积等必要材料。
Article 211
When applying for registration of immoveable property, an applicant shall, in
light of the different items to be registered, provide necessary materials such
as the proof of real rights, metes and bounds, and the area of the immovable
第二百一十二条 登记机构应当履行下列职责:
Article 212
The registration authority shall perform the following responsibilities:
(1) to examine the proof of real rights and other necessary materials provided
by the applicant;
(2) to inquire of the applicant regarding the relevant items for registration;
(3) to register the relevant items truthfully and in a timely manner; and
(4) to perform other responsibilities as provided by laws and administrative
Where further proof is required for the relevant information of the immovable
property to be registered, the registration authority may require the applicant
to provide supplementary materials, and may conduct onsite inspection where
第二百一十三条 登记机构不得有下列行为:
Article 213
A registration authority may not engage in the following acts:
(1) to require an appraisal of the immovable property;
(2) to carry out repeated registration in the name of annual inspection, and the
like; or
(3) to engage in other acts that exceed the scope of its responsibilities for
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