第二分编 所有权
Part Two
第四章 一般规定
Chapter IV
General Rules
第二百四十条 所有权人对自己的不动产或者动产,依法享有占有、使用、收益和处分的权利。
Article 240
An owner is entitled to possess, use, benefit from, and dispose of his
ownimmovable or movable property in accordance with law.
第二百四十一条 所有权人有权在自己的不动产或者动产上设立用益物权和担保物权。用益物权人、担保物权人行使权利,不得损害所有权人的权益。
Article 241
An owner of immovable or movable property is entitled to create a right to
usufruct and a security interest on his own immovable or movable property. A
usufructuary or security interest holder, when exercising his rights, may not
harm the rights and interests of the owner.
第二百四十二条 法律规定专属于国家所有的不动产和动产,任何组织或者个人不能取得所有权。
Article 242
Where immovable or movable property is provided by law to be exclusively owned
by the State, no organization or individual may acquire ownership of it.
第二百四十三条 为了公共利益的需要,依照法律规定的权限和程序可以征收集体所有的土地和组织、个人的房屋以及其他不动产。
Article 243
For the need of the public interest, the collectively-owned land and the houses
and other immovable property of an organization or individual may be
expropriated within the scope of authority and pursuant to the procedures
provided by law.
In the case of expropriation of collectively-owned land, land compensation fees,
resettlement subsidies, and compensation fees for rural villagers’ dwellings and
other ground attachments as well as young crops shall be paid in full in a
timely manner in accordance with law, and social security premiums of the
farmers whose land has been expropriated shall be arranged, their lives secured,
and their lawful rights and interests safeguarded.
In the case of expropriation of houses or other immovable property of
organizations or individuals, compensation for the expropriation shall be made
in accordance with law in order to safeguard the lawful rights and interests of
the person whose immovable property has been expropriated. In the case of
expropriation of individuals’ dwelling houses, the housing conditions of such
individuals shall also be guaranteed.
No organization or individual may embezzle, misappropriate, secretly distribute,
intercept, default on the payment of the expropriation compensation fees, or the
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