第四百七十条 合同的内容由当事人约定,一般包括下列条款:
Article 470
The content of a contract shall be agreed by the parties and generally includes
the following clauses:
(1) name or entity name and domicile of each party;
(2) objects;
(3) quantity;
(4) quality;
(5) price or remuneration;
(6) period, place, and manner of performance;
(7) default liability; and
(8) the means of dispute resolution.
The parties may consult with the various types of model contracts when
concluding a contract.
第四百七十一条 当事人订立合同,可以采取要约、承诺方式或者其他方式。
Article 471
The parties may conclude a contract by making an offer and acceptance or through
other means.
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