horizontal rule



中华人民共和国民法典上一条 中华人民共和国民法典目录

  第四百九十九条 悬赏人以公开方式声明对完成特定行为的人支付报酬的,完成该行为的人可以请求其支付。
Article 499
Where a rewarder through making an announcement promises to pay a reward to anyone who has completed a particular act, the person who has completed the act may request the rewarder to pay the reward.
  第五百条 当事人在订立合同过程中有下列情形之一,造成对方损失的,应当承担赔偿责任:
Article 500
During the course of concluding a contract, the party that falls under any of the following circumstances and causes losses to the other party shall bear the liability for compensation:
(1) under the guise of concluding a contract, engaging in consultation with malicious intention;

(2) intentionally concealing material facts or providing false information concerning the conclusion of the contract; or
(3) conducting any other act contrary to the principle of good faith.
  第五百零一条 当事人在订立合同过程中知悉的商业秘密或者其他应当保密的信息,无论合同是否成立,不得泄露或者不正当地使用;泄露、不正当地使用该商业秘密或者信息,造成对方损失的,应当承担赔偿责任。
Article 501
The parties may not disclose or improperly use the trade secrets or other confidential information that are obtained in the course of concluding a contract, regardless of whether the contract is ultimately formed or not. The party that discloses or improperly uses such trade secrets or information and thus causes losses to the other party shall bear the liability for compensation.


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场地推广 虚位以待 常年法律顾问:何止是企业的保健医生