第七百二十一条 承租人应当按照约定的期限支付租金。对支付租金的期限没有约定或者约定不明确,依据本法第五百一十条的规定仍不能确定,租赁期限不满一年的,应当在租赁期限届满时支付;租赁期限一年以上的,应当在每届满一年时支付,剩余期限不满一年的,应当在租赁期限届满时支付。
Article 721
A lessee shall pay the rent within the period of payment in accordance with the
agreement. Where there is no agreement between the parties on the period of
payment of the rent or the relevant agreement is unclear, if it cannot be
determined according to the provisions of Article 510 of this Code, the rent
shall be paid at the time the term of lease expires if the term is less than one
year, and, where the term of the lease is more than one year, the rent shall be
paid at the end of each full year or at the time the term of lease expires if
the remaining term is less than one year.
第七百二十二条 承租人无正当理由未支付或者迟延支付租金的,出租人可以请求承租人在合理期限内支付;承租人逾期不支付的,出租人可以解除合同。
Article 722
Where a lessee fails to pay the rent or delays a payment of the rent without
just cause, the lessor may request the lessee to pay the rent within a
reasonable period of
time, and may rescind the contract if the lessee fails to pay the rent within
such period.
第七百二十三条 因第三人主张权利,致使承租人不能对租赁物使用、收益的,承租人可以请求减少租金或者不支付租金。
Article 723
Where a lessee is unable to use or to receive benefit from the leased object
owing to a claim from a third person, the lessee may request for a reduction of
or exemption from the rent.
Where a third person claims his right against the leased object, the lessee
shall notify the lessor in a timely manner.
第七百二十四条 有下列情形之一,非因承租人原因致使租赁物无法使用的,承租人可以解除合同:
Article 724
A lessee may rescind the contract under any of the following circumstances if
the leased object cannot be used due to a reason not attributable to the lessee:
(1) the leased object is sealed up or detained by the judicial authority or
administrative authority in accordance with law;
(2) there are disputes over the attribution of rights of the leased object; or
(3) the leased object violates mandatory provisions of laws or administrative
regulations in respect of its conditions for use.
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