第七百三十八条 依照法律、行政法规的规定,对于租赁物的经营使用应当取得行政许可的,出租人未取得行政许可不影响融资租赁合同的效力。
Article 738
Where the operation or use of a leased object requires an administrative license
in accordance with the provision of laws or administrative regulations, the
failure of the lessor to obtain such administrative license does not affect the
validity of the contract for financing lease.
第七百三十九条 出租人根据承租人对出卖人、租赁物的选择订立的买卖合同,出卖人应当按照约定向承租人交付标的物,承租人享有与受领标的物有关的买受人的权利。
Article 739
Where a lessor concludes a sales contract based on a lessee’s selection of the
seller and the leased object, the seller shall deliver the subject matter to the
lessee as agreed by the parties, and the lessee shall enjoy the rights of a
buyer with regard to the subject matter received.
第七百四十条 出卖人违反向承租人交付标的物的义务,有下列情形之一的,承租人可以拒绝受领出卖人向其交付的标的物:
Article 740
A lessee may refuse to accept the subject matter delivered by the seller where a
seller breaches his obligation of delivery of the subject matter to the lessee
and either of the following circumstances occurs:
(1) the subject matter is materially inconsistent with the agreement; or
(2) the seller fails to deliver the subject matter as agreed by the parties, and
still fails to deliver it within a reasonable period of time after being
demanded by the lessee or the lessor.
Where a lessee refuses to take delivery of the subject matter, he shall promptly
notify the lessor.
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