horizontal rule


中华人民共和国民法典上一条 中华人民共和国民法典目录

  第七百四十一条 出租人、出卖人、承租人可以约定,出卖人不履行买卖合同义务的,由承租人行使索赔的权利。承租人行使索赔权利的,出租人应当协助。
Article 741
The lessor, the seller, and the lessee may agree that, where the seller fails to perform the obligations under the sales contract, the lessee shall exercise the right to claim against the seller. Where the lessee exercises such a right, the lessor shall render assistance.

  第七百四十二条 承租人对出卖人行使索赔权利,不影响其履行支付租金的义务。但是,承租人依赖出租人的技能确定租赁物或者出租人干预选择租赁物的,承租人可以请求减免相应租金。
Article 742
A lessee’s exercise of the right to claim against the seller does not affect his performance of the obligation to pay the rent. However, where a lessee has relied upon the lessor’s expertise in selecting the leased object or the lessor has intervened with the selection of the leased object, the lessee may request reduction or exemption of the rent accordingly.
  第七百四十三条 出租人有下列情形之一,致使承租人对出卖人行使索赔权利失败的,承租人有权请求出租人承担相应的责任:
Article 743
Where the lessee fails to exercise the right to claim against the seller due to either of the following causes, the lessee has the right to request the lessor to bear the corresponding liability:
(1) the lessor clearly knows that the leased object has quality defects but fails to notify the lessee; or
(2) when the lessee exercises the right to claim, the lessor fails to provide necessary assistance in a timely manner.
Where a right to claim against the seller may only be exercised by the lessor but the lessor fails to exercise such right owing to his indolence, thus causing losses to the lessee, the lessee has the right to request the lessor to bear the liability for compensation.


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