第八百八十三条 技术服务合同的受托人应当按照约定完成服务项目,解决技术问题,保证工作质量,并传授解决技术问题的知识。
Article 883
An entrusted person in a technology service contract shall, in accordance with
the agreement, complete the services, solve the technological issues, guarantee
the quality of the work, and impart the knowledge for solving the technological
第八百八十四条 技术服务合同的委托人不履行合同义务或者履行合同义务不符合约定,影响工作进度和质量,不接受或者逾期接受工作成果的,支付的报酬不得追回,未支付的报酬应当支付。
Article 884
Where a client to a technology service contract fails to perform the contractual
obligations or performs the obligations in a manner inconsistent with the
contract, thus affecting the progress and quality of the work, or fails to
accept the work product or delays the acceptance, the client may not request for
refund of the paid remuneration, and shall pay any unpaid remuneration.
An entrusted person in a technology service contract who fails to complete the
service work in accordance with the agreement shall bear default liability in
such form as waiver of remuneration, and the like.
第八百八十五条 技术咨询合同、技术服务合同履行过程中,受托人利用委托人提供的技术资料和工作条件完成的新的技术成果,属于受托人。委托人利用受托人的工作成果完成的新的技术成果,属于委托人。当事人另有约定的,按照其约定。
Article 885
Unless otherwise agreed by the parties, in the course of performance of a
technology consultation contract or a technology service contract, the new
technological product made by the entrusted person with technological materials
and working conditions provided by the client belongs to the entrusted person,
and the new technological product made by the client based on the work product
of the entrusted person belongs to the client.
第八百八十六条 技术咨询合同和技术服务合同对受托人正常开展工作所需费用的负担没有约定或者约定不明确的,由受托人负担。
Article 886
Where there is no agreement in a technology consultation contract or a
technology service contract on the bearing of the necessary expenses for the
entrusted person to carry out the normal work, or the relevant agreement is
unclear, the said expenses shall be borne by the entrusted person.
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