第九百三十一条 委托人经受托人同意,可以在受托人之外委托第三人处理委托事务。因此造成受托人损失的,受托人可以向委托人请求赔偿损失。
Article 931
A principal may, with consent of the agent, authorize a third person other than
the agent to handle the entrusted matter. If a loss is thus caused to the agent,
the agent may request compensation from the principal.
第九百三十二条 两个以上的受托人共同处理委托事务的,对委托人承担连带责任。
Article 932
Where two or more agents jointly handle an entrusted matter, they shall bear
joint and several liabilities to the principal.
第九百三十三条 委托人或者受托人可以随时解除委托合同。因解除合同造成对方损失的,除不可归责于该当事人的事由外,无偿委托合同的解除方应当赔偿因解除时间不当造成的直接损失,有偿委托合同的解除方应当赔偿对方的直接损失和合同履行后可以获得的利益。
Article 933
A principal or an agent may rescind the entrustment contract at any time. Where
rescission of the contract by a party causes losses to the other party, the
party rescinding a gratuitous entrustment contract shall compensate for the
direct loss caused by the rescission at an improper time, and the party
rescinding a non-gratuitous entrustment contract shall compensate for the direct
loss and the expected profit obtainable had the contract been performed, unless
the loss is incurred by a cause not attributable to the rescinding party.
第九百三十四条 委托人死亡、终止或者受托人死亡、丧失民事行为能力、终止的,委托合同终止;但是,当事人另有约定或者根据委托事务的性质不宜终止的除外。
Article 934
An entrustment contract is terminated where the principal dies or is terminated,
or if the agent dies, loses capacity for performing civil juristic acts, or is
terminated, unless otherwise agreed by the parties or it is inappropriate to
terminate the contract based on the nature of the entrusted matter.
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