第九百三十五条 因委托人死亡或者被宣告破产、解散,致使委托合同终止将损害委托人利益的,在委托人的继承人、遗产管理人或者清算人承受委托事务之前,受托人应当继续处理委托事务。
Article 935
Where termination of an entrustment contract resulting from the death, declared
bankruptcy, or declared dissolution of the principal is to harm the interests of
the principal, the agent shall continue to handle the entrusted matter until the
heirs, administrator of estate, or the liquidator of the principal takes it
第九百三十六条 因受托人死亡、丧失民事行为能力或者被宣告破产、解散,致使委托合同终止的,受托人的继承人、遗产管理人、法定代理人或者清算人应当及时通知委托人。因委托合同终止将损害委托人利益的,在委托人作出善后处理之前,受托人的继承人、遗产管理人、法定代理人或者清算人应当采取必要措施。
Article 936
Where an entrustment contract is terminated owing to the death, loss of capacity
for performing civil juristic acts, declared bankruptcy or dissolution of the
agent, the heirs, administrator of estate, legal representative, or liquidator
of the agent shall promptly notify the principal. Where termination of the
entrustment contract is to harm the interests of the principal, the heirs,
administrator of estate, legal representative, or liquidator of the agent shall
take necessary measures before the principal takes remedial measures.
第二十四章 物业服务合同
Chapter XXIV
Contracts for Property Management Service
第九百三十七条 物业服务合同是物业服务人在物业服务区域内,为业主提供建筑物及其附属设施的维修养护、环境卫生和相关秩序的管理维护等物业服务,业主支付物业费的合同。
Article 937
A contract for property management service is a contract under which a property
management service provider provides the property owners with property
management services within the service area, such as repair and maintenance of
buildings and the auxiliary facilities thereof, the management and maintenance
of the environmental hygiene, keeping the order, and the like, and the property
owners pay property management fees in return.
Property management service providers include property management service
enterprises and other managers.
第九百三十八条 物业服务合同的内容一般包括服务事项、服务质量、服务费用的标准和收取办法、维修资金的使用、服务用房的管理和使用、服务期限、服务交接等条款。
Article 938
A property management service contract generally contains clauses specifying the
contents of the services, the service quality, the rates and the collection
methods of the service fee, the use of the maintenance funds, the management and
use of the service premises, the term of service, the service handover, and the
A commitment of service made publicly by a property management service provider
in favor of the property owners shall be a component part of the property
management service contract.
A property management service contract shall be in writing.
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