horizontal rule


中华人民共和国民法典上一条 中华人民共和国民法典目录

  第九百七十一条 合伙人不得因执行合伙事务而请求支付报酬,但是合伙合同另有约定的除外。
Article 971
A partner may not request remuneration for management of the partnership business, unless otherwise agreed in the partnership contract.

  第九百七十二条 合伙的利润分配和亏损分担,按照合伙合同的约定办理;合伙合同没有约定或者约定不明确的,由合伙人协商决定;协商不成的,由合伙人按照实缴出资比例分配、分担;无法确定出资比例的,由合伙人平均分配、分担。
Article 972
The sharing of the profits and allocation of losses of a partnership shall be in accordance with the partnership contract; where there is no such an agreement in the partnership contract or the relevant agreement is unclear, the partners shall make a decision through consultation. Where such consultation fails, the partners shall share the profits and assume the losses in proportion to their paid-in capital, or in equal share if the proportions of their paid-in capital cannot be determined.

  第九百七十三条 合伙人对合伙债务承担连带责任。清偿合伙债务超过自己应当承担份额的合伙人,有权向其他合伙人追偿。

Article 973
The partners shall bear joint and several liabilities for the partnership obligations. A partner who has performed the partnership obligations in excess of his share has the right to contribution against the other partners.

  第九百七十四条 除合伙合同另有约定外,合伙人向合伙人以外的人转让其全部或者部分财产份额的,须经其他合伙人一致同意。
Article 974
Unless otherwise agreed in the partnership contract, a partner who transfers all or part of his share of property to a person other than a partner shall obtain unanimous consent of the other partners.


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