第九百七十五条 合伙人的债权人不得代位行使合伙人依照本章规定和合伙合同享有的权利,但是合伙人享有的利益分配请求权除外。
Article 975
A creditor of a partner may not subrogate and exercise any right of the partner
provided in this Chapter and the partnership contract, except that a creditor
may subrogate and exercise the partner’s claim against the partnership for
distribution of the benefits.
第九百七十六条 合伙人对合伙期限没有约定或者约定不明确,依据本法第五百一十条的规定仍不能确定的,视为不定期合伙。
Article 976
Where there is no agreement between or among the partners on the term of the
partnership, or the relevant agreement is unclear, if the term cannot be
determined according to the provisions of Article 510 of this Code, the
partnership is deemed as a partnership with an indefinite term.
If a partner continues to manage the partnership business upon expiration of the
term of the partnership, and the other partners fail to raise any objection, the
original partnership contract continues to be valid, but with an indefinite
A partner may rescind a partnership contract with an indefinite term at any
time, but the other partners shall be notified within a reasonable period of
time in advance.
第九百七十七条 合伙人死亡、丧失民事行为能力或者终止的,合伙合同终止;但是,合伙合同另有约定或者根据合伙事务的性质不宜终止的除外。
Article 977
Where a partner dies, loses capacity for performing civil juristic acts, or is
terminated, the partnership contract is terminated, unless otherwise provided in
the partnership contract or it is inappropriate to terminate the contract due to
the nature of the partnership affairs.
第九百七十八条 合伙合同终止后,合伙财产在支付因终止而产生的费用以及清偿合伙债务后有剩余的,依据本法第九百七十二条的规定进行分配。
Article 978
Upon termination of a partnership contract, after paying the expenses for
termination and discharging the partnership debts, the residual assets of the
partnership property, if any, shall be distributed in accordance with the
provisions of Article 972 of this Code.
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