horizontal rule


中华人民共和国民法典上一条 中华人民共和国民法典目录

  第一千零八十一条 现役军人的配偶要求离婚,应当征得军人同意,但是军人一方有重大过错的除外。
Article 1081
Where the spouse of a military personnel on active service requests for divorce, the consent of the spouse who is military personnel on active service shall be obtained unless he is at serious fault.

  第一千零八十二条 女方在怀孕期间、分娩后一年内或者终止妊娠后六个月内,男方不得提出离婚;但是,女方提出离婚或者人民法院认为确有必要受理男方离婚请求的除外。
Article 1082
A husband may not file for divorce during his wife’s pregnancy, within one year after his wife delivers, or within six months after termination of her pregnancy, unless the wife applies for divorce, or the people’s court deems it necessary to hear the divorce request made by the husband.
  第一千零八十三条 离婚后,男女双方自愿恢复婚姻关系的,应当到婚姻登记机关重新进行结婚登记。
Article 1083
Where, after divorce, both the man and the woman intend to resume their marital relationship, they shall file for re-registration of marriage at a marriage registration authority.
  第一千零八十四条 父母与子女间的关系,不因父母离婚而消除。离婚后,子女无论由父或者母直接抚养,仍是父母双方的子女。
Article 1084
The parents-children relationship is not dissolved upon divorce of the parents. Whether a child is under the physical custody of the father or the mother, he remains to be the child of both parents.
After divorce, parents continue to have the rights and duties to raise, educate, and protect their children.

As a matter of principle, a mother shall, upon divorce, have physical custody of her child under the age of two. Where parents fail to reach an agreement on the physical custody of their child over the age of two, the people’s court shall adjudicate it in compliance with the principle of acting in the best interest of the minor child and in light of the actual situations of both parents. True wishes of the child above the age of eight shall be respected.


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