第三节 收养关系的解除
Section 3
Dissolution of an Adoptive Relationship
第一千一百一十四条 收养人在被收养人成年以前,不得解除收养关系,但是收养人、送养人双方协议解除的除外。养子女八周岁以上的,应当征得本人同意。
Article 1114
No adopter may dissolve an adoptive relationship before the adoptee has reached
the majority age unless there is an agreement between the adopter and the party
who places the child for adoption to dissolve such relationship. Where an
adoptee is aged eight or above, his own consent shall be obtained.
Where an adopter fails to perform the duty to raise the adoptee or commits
maltreatment, desertion, or other acts infringing upon the lawful rights and
interests of the minor adoptee, the person who has placed the child for adoption
has the right to request that the adoptive relationship be dissolved. Where an
adopter and a party who has placed a child for adoption fail to reach an
agreement for dissolution of the adoptive relationship, either party may file a
lawsuit with the people’s court.
第一千一百一十五条 养父母与成年养子女关系恶化、无法共同生活的,可以协议解除收养关系。不能达成协议的,可以向人民法院提起诉讼。
Article 1115
Where the relationship between the adoptive parents and the adopted child who
has become an adult so deteriorates that they are unable to live together, the
adoption may be dissolved by agreement. Where the parties fail to reach such an
agreement, either party may file a lawsuit with the people’s court.
第一千一百一十六条 当事人协议解除收养关系的,应当到民政部门办理解除收养关系登记。
Article 1116
Where the parties agree to dissolve an adoptive relationship, they shall
register the dissolution with the civil affairs department.
第一千一百一十七条 收养关系解除后,养子女与养父母以及其他近亲属间的权利义务关系即行消除,与生父母以及其他近亲属间的权利义务关系自行恢复。但是,成年养子女与生父母以及其他近亲属间的权利义务关系是否恢复,可以协商确定。
Article 1117
Upon dissolution of an adoptive relationship, the rights and duties between an
adoptee and his adoptive parents as well as the latter’s other close relatives
shall be terminated, and the rights and duties between the adoptee and his
natural parents as well as the latter’s other close relatives shall be
automatically restored. However, while an adopted child has become an adult,
whether the rights and duties between such an adoptee and his natural parents as
well as the latter’s other close relatives are to be restored may be decided
through consultation.
第一千一百一十八条 收养关系解除后,经养父母抚养的成年养子女,对缺乏劳动能力又缺乏生活来源的养父母,应当给付生活费。因养子女成年后虐待、遗弃养父母而解除收养关系的,养父母可以要求养子女补偿收养期间支出的抚养费。
Article 1118
After dissolution of an adoptive relationship, an adoptee who has been raised up
by the adoptive parents and now become an adult shall provide living expenses to
his adoptive parents who lack both the capacity to work and the means to support
themselves. Where an adoptive relationship is dissolved because the adopted
child maltreats or deserts his adoptive parents after the adopted child has
become an adult, the adoptive parents may request the adoptee to compensate for
the expenses incurred to raise the adoptee during the adoption period.
Where dissolution of an adoptive relationship is required by the natural parents of the adoptee, the adoptive parents may request the natural parents of the adoptee to appropriately compensate for the expenses incurred to raise the adoptee during the adoption period, unless the adoptive relationship is dissolved because the adoptive parents maltreat or desert the adoptee.
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