horizontal rule



中华人民共和国民法典上一条 中华人民共和国民法典目录

  第四章 产品责任

Chapter IV
Product Liability

  第一千二百零二条 因产品存在缺陷造成他人损害的,生产者应当承担侵权责任。

Article 1202
Where a defect of a product causes damage to another person, the manufacturer of the product shall bear tort liability.

  第一千二百零三条 因产品存在缺陷造成他人损害的,被侵权人可以向产品的生产者请求赔偿,也可以向产品的销售者请求赔偿。

Article 1203
Where a defect of a product causes damage to another person, the infringed person may claim compensation against the manufacturer or the seller of the product.


Where a defect is caused by the manufacturer, the seller who has paid compensation has the right to indemnification against the manufacturer. Where a defect is caused by the fault of the seller, the manufacturer who has paid compensation has the right to indemnification against the seller.

  第一千二百零四条 因运输者、仓储者等第三人的过错使产品存在缺陷,造成他人损害的,产品的生产者、销售者赔偿后,有权向第三人追偿。

Article 1204
Where the damage is caused by a defect of a product due to the fault of a third person, such as a transporter or a warehouser, the manufacturer or seller of the product who has paid compensation has the right to indemnification against the third person.

  第一千二百零五条 因产品缺陷危及他人人身、财产安全的,被侵权人有权请求生产者、销售者承担停止侵害、排除妨碍、消除危险等侵权责任。

Article 1205
Where a defect of a product endangers the personal or property safety of another person, the infringed person has the right to request the manufacturer or seller of the product to bear tort liability in forms of cessation of the infringement, removal of the nuisance, elimination of the danger, or the like.

  第一千二百零六条 产品投入流通后发现存在缺陷的,生产者、销售者应当及时采取停止销售、警示、召回等补救措施;未及时采取补救措施或者补救措施不力造成损害扩大的,对扩大的损害也应当承担侵权责任。

Article 1206
Where a defect of a product is discovered after the product is put into circulation, the manufacturer or seller of the product shall take remedial measures such as stopping sales, providing warnings, or recalling the product in a timely manner. The manufacturer or seller, who fails to take remedial measures in a timely manner or take ineffective measures so that the damage is aggravated, shall be liable also for the aggravated part of the damage.



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