horizontal rule


中华人民共和国民法典上一条 中华人民共和国民法典目录

  第十四章 居住权
Chapter XIV
Rights of Habitation
  第三百六十六条 居住权人有权按照合同约定,对他人的住宅享有占有、使用的用益物权,以满足生活居住的需要。
Article 366
A person with a right of habitation is entitled to the right to usufruct of possessing and using another person’s dwelling as agreed in the contract, so as to meet his needs of habitation.
  第三百六十七条 设立居住权,当事人应当采用书面形式订立居住权合同。
Article 367
To create a right of habitation, the parties shall enter into a contract on such a right in writing.
A contract on a right of habitation generally contains the following clauses:
(1) the name and address of each party;
(2) the location of the dwelling;
(3) the conditions and requirements for the habitation;
(4) the duration of the right of habitation; and
(5) the means of dispute resolution.


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