第一千一百九十三条 承揽人在完成工作过程中造成第三人损害或者自己损害的,定作人不承担侵权责任。但是,定作人对定作、指示或者选任有过错的,应当承担相应的责任。
Article 1193
Where a contractor causes damage to a third person or to himself while
completing the contracted work, the ordering party does not assume tort
liability, except that the ordering party shall assume corresponding liability
where he is at fault in placing the order, making the instructions, or selecting
the contractor.
第一千一百九十四条 网络用户、网络服务提供者利用网络侵害他人民事权益的,应当承担侵权责任。法律另有规定的,依照其规定。
Article 1194
Network users and network service providers who, through the network, infringes
upon the civil-law rights and interests of another person shall bear tort
liability, unless otherwise provided by law.
第一千一百九十五条 网络用户利用网络服务实施侵权行为的,权利人有权通知网络服务提供者采取删除、屏蔽、断开链接等必要措施。通知应当包括构成侵权的初步证据及权利人的真实身份信息。
Article 1195
Where a network user commits a tortious act through using the network service,
the right holder is entitled to notify the network service provider to take such
necessary measures as deletion, block, or disconnection. The notice shall
include the preliminary evidence establishing the tort and the real identity
information of the right holder.
After receiving the notice, the network service provider shall timely forward
the notice to the relevant network user and take necessary measures based on the
preliminary evidence establishing the tort and the type of service complained
about. Where it fails to take necessary measures in time, it shall assume joint
and several liability for the aggravated part of the damage with the network
The right holder who causes damage to the network user or network service
provider due to erroneous notification shall bear tort liability, unless
otherwise provided by law.
第一千一百九十六条 网络用户接到转送的通知后,可以向网络服务提供者提交不存在侵权行为的声明。声明应当包括不存在侵权行为的初步证据及网络用户的真实身份信息。
Article 1196
After receiving the forwarded notice, the network user may submit a declaration
of non-infringement to the network service provider, which shall include the
preliminary evidence of non-infringement and the real identity information of
the network user.
After receiving the declaration, the network service provider shall forward it to the right holder who issues the notice, and inform him that he may file a complaint to the relevant department or file a lawsuit with the people’s court. The network service provider shall timely terminate the measures taken where, within a reasonable period of time after the forwarded declaration reaches the right holder, it fails to receive notice that the right holder has filed a complaint or a lawsuit.
第一千一百九十七条 网络服务提供者知道或者应当知道网络用户利用其网络服务侵害他人民事权益,未采取必要措施的,与该网络用户承担连带责任。
Article 1197
A network service provider, who knows or should have known that a network user
has infringed upon the civil-law rights and interests of another person by using
its network services but fails to take necessary measures, shall assume joint
and several liability with the network user.
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